Enjoy the rhythm of the good on your next vacation with Palladium Hotel Group. Discover the best travel deals with exclusive perks and vacation discounts at Grand Palladium Hotels & Resorts.
Enjoy up to 45% off + 1st child stays free on your all-inclusive getaway at Grand Palladium Resort & Spa or Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton Resort & Spa, Be it with family, friends or your partner, you’ll discover comfortable rooms with brilliant services, endless fun and entertainment for all. Enjoy your stay with Infinite Indulgence, it’s all included.
Flexible Cancellation! We want you to feel at ease as you look forward to your vacation. So, we have rates with flexible cancellation policies. The best deals for travelling in 2020 – 2021 and for staying at our hotels without any worries with our flexible rates.
At Palladium Hotel Group we want you to have a safe vacation, which is why your stay is covered by our medical insurance, Stay Safe Plus, made specially for our guests.
To discover how we can help you plan your perfect vacation, please submit your info below.